

Since 2002, the  Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT)™ Program at Texas State University has been used to train law enforcement officers across the nation in how to rapidly respond to dangerous active threat situations.  Over the years we’ve seen response times shorten and the capabilities of law enforcement increase.  As a result of increased public awareness, many citizens have asked what individuals can do protect themselves and reduce the dangers faced during one of these events. Avoid | Deny |Defend™ has been developed as an easy to remember method for individuals to follow.  As we’ve seen that hiding and hoping isn’t a very effective strategy.

Watch the Avoid Deny Defend video below for an 11.5 minute overview of how to save your life in an Active Shooter Event.  What You Do Matters.

For more information about training for private entities, corporations, or Law Enforcement, please reach out to us.


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